Child dies at scandal-hit Scottish hospital

Reports suggest a young patient receiving treatment at a scandal-hit Scottish hospital has died after contracting a healthcare-associated infection.

The Herald on Sunday reported that the patient died last week at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH).

And the death has led to the culture at Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board, which runs the hospital, being described as ‘rotten at the core’.

It comes after a report was leaked earlier in the week by a whistleblower indicating that the board was told that areas of the flagship £800m campus were at a high risk of infection before it opened in 2015.

Another two reports, also leaked to Labour MSP, Anas Sarwar, suggest issues were still pervasive at the hospital in 2017 and 2018.

And the death of 10-year-old Milly Main in August 2017 after she had beaten cancer was linked to an infection caused by contaminated water at the site.

Sarwar and Scottish Labour's health spokeswoman, Monica Lennon, met with the parents of children receiving treatment at the site on Saturday.

And a statement released by the group of 15 parents said they have no confidence in the board and believe it is not fit for purpose, adding that those responsible should not remain in place while an investigation is carried out.

Sarwar said: “It’s clear that the culture is rotten at the core of the health board.

“One thing that needs to be remembered is that none of this would have potentially come to light if it wasn't for the whistleblower putting their head above the parapet and risking their own job and sharing the information with me.

"It should not rely on a whistleblower; it shouldn't rely on MSPs; it shouldn't rely on a free press, although that’s all important, to get truth and answers about what's happening in our National Health Service.”

Questioned on the issue, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said it is bound by rules of patient confidentiality, adding that ‘the issue is being appropriately managed and Health Protection Scotland has been informed’.

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